ACoS to ROAS Calculator
Use the calculators below to instantly convert ACoS to ROAS, ROAS to ACoS, or calculate your ROAS or ACoS with ease!
How ACoS is calculated? (ACoS & ROAS Explained)
Both ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) and ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) are crucial metrics for assessing the performance of your advertising campaigns. These metrics measure the relationship between your ad spend and the revenue it generates, offering actionable insights to optimize Amazon advertising.
ACoS, the inverse of ROAS, is calculated by dividing ad spend by revenue (e.g., $100 spent to generate $500 in sales results in an ACoS of 20%).
Lower ACoS values indicate more efficient spending.
Conversely, ROAS is determined by dividing revenue by ad spend (e.g., $500 in revenue from $100 spent yields a ROAS of 5).
A higher ROAS signifies better ad performance, and it is increasingly favored as Amazon shifts its focus away from ACoS as the primary metric.