OUR Services

Afflytics Affiliate Marketing Services

Afflytics specializes in building affiliate programs for Amazon and D2C Brands. Learn more about the different services we offer below.

For D2C Brands

Affiliate Program Management

Your D2C Brand is missing out by not leveraging an affiliate program. By leveraging affiliates, you can tap into a network of creators and influencers who promote your products on autopilot, expanding your reach, and driving measurable growth at a CAC you set.

Affiliate Network Selection and Installation
Affiliate Recruitment and Activation
Data-driven campaign optimization
For Amazon Brands

Amazon Affiliate Program Management

Your Amazon Brand is missing out by not leveraging an affiliate program. Build an army of affiliates and influencers to promote your products on autopilot, expanding your reach, and driving measurable growth at a CAC you set. By sending off-Amazon traffic to Amazon, you're listing organic ranking will be boosted.

Levanta Setup and Installation
Affiliate Recruitment and Activation
Data-driven campaign optimization
Our Process

How it Works

Our streamlined process is designed to deliver outstanding results at every stage of your marketing journey. Here's how we do it:

Step 1

Brand Discovery & Strategy

We take the time to truly understand your brand, learn your customer avatars, and pinpoint your dream influencers.

Step 2

Affiliate Program Setup

After identifying the affiliate network best suited to your company, we'll set the program infrastructure from the ground up.

Step 3

Affiliate Recruitment & Activation

It's time to recruit your army of affiliates. We continually reach out to relevant and diversified affiliates on your behalf, activating them and building lasting relationships.

Step 4

Analysis & Growth

Each month, hop on a call with your account manager to get a report on KPIs surrounding your company's affiliate program.

For D2C & Amazon Brands

TikTok Shop Management

Your brand is missing out on one of the fastest-growing e-commerce opportunities by not being on TikTok Shop and leveraging affiliates. With 92% of consumer purchases influenced by social media and TikTok Shops seamless shopping experience, you could be reaching millions of engaged users ready to buy. Affiliates amplify your reach, turning creators into your brand ambassadors and driving measurable sales through authentic recommendations!

TikTok Shop Brand Setup
SEO Optimized TikTok Shop Store Organization
Active TikTok Shop Affiliate Outreach and Recruitment
Commission Rate Analysis and Optimization
Our Process

How it Works

Our streamlined process is designed to deliver outstanding results at every stage of your marketing journey. Here's how we do it:

Step 1

TikTok Shop Brand Setup

We take the time to understand your goals, challenges, and target audience.

Step 2

Affiliate Outreach and Recruitment

We continuously monitor performance, making real-time adjustments to optimize results.

Step 3

Analysis & Growth

We take the time to understand your goals, challenges, and target audience.